Bryce Canyon
Bryce Canyon is a really cool little park. You'll only need a day or two to explore it fully, and with all of the snow on the ground a couple of the trails were shut down while I was there. There are spectacular views of sunrise and sunset from a couple of points in the park, but my tired ass barely made it out of my sleeping bag in time, and I left my camera in the car -coffee something something sleepy Colby something something.
You'll want boots for this park, and I don't recommend going down into the canyon if it's been raining. The dirt turns into a really sticky and slick mud when it mixes with water and several people were having problems with footing. Personally I just didn't like the 5 lbs of clay that attached itself to my feet for me to lug around all day while I was hiking -it doesn't come off.
I look forward to coming back some time when it's not 12° F in the morning so I can appreciate the sunrise without the risk of frostbite. Also the rim trail looks like it would be amazing, but half of it is shut down with the snow.
Bryce is also a horse friendly park so if you like riding this could be a great stop for you.